The Most Magical Place on Earth

It’s safe to say that my husband and I love Disney World, what can I say, we’re suckers for Disney Magic.  Danny went to Disney almost every year growing up and I have been a handful of times myself.  We couldn’t wait to take our sweet baby girl on her first Disney vacation!  We had such an amazing time enjoying the Florida sun and spending quality time with family.  That being said, I’d be lying if I said the Florida heat didn’t stress me out at times but I will treasure these memories and photos always.


The story behind this photo is just too much… 1. I asked the ENTIRE family to wake up early to go to Magic Kingdom so we could hear the daily “opening of the park” show… Only to find out it doesn’t exist anymore. Oops! Sorry fam! 2. I’ve (not so secretly) ALWAYS wanted one of these balloons and having Hazel with me finally justified this completely unnecessary purchase! Worth it? 100% YES
Smooches in front of Cinderella’s Castle
I mean COME. ON.


Girlfriend wasn’t having it. Let’s be honest.. Perfect family photos don’t exist at Disney World and that’s totally okay.
UGH I love these two SO MUCH! He’s usually the one behind the camera.. I love capturing moments like this with these two!
I mean look at that smirk and chunky legs! We rented an amazing house to accommodate all nine of us and we spent our days off from the park poolside.
Our last night in Florida ended with a delicious family dinner replaying our favorite memories and making plans for next year!



Thanks for having us, Disney! We will be back soon!