How to do a Rejuveniqe Oil Treatment

How to do an Overnight Rejuveniqe Oil Treatment

I’m going to show you step by step how I do my overnight oil treatments! The best results are done overnight, but if you don’t have time or like to shower in the evening, just make sure the apply the oil 15-30 minutes before you wash your hair!

Start with your scalp: I take about 1/2 of oil in the pipette and run it down my scalp in 3-4 different sections. (I refill the pipette for each section) Then I rub it in so it distributes over my scalp evenly. 

Then I take about half a pipette and use that on one side of my hair, rubbing it in and focusing on my ends. Then I repeat that on the other side.

Make sure to really focus on those ends, this will help strengthen your hair and prevent breakage!

Brush your hair to distribute the oil evenly. Tip: Make sure to use a wet-brush as it is much gentler on your hair and you’ll notice less hair breaking off from brushing!

Last but not least, grab a scrunchie (silk is best!) or a claw clip and throw your hair up in a but or throw a cap on. I like to let my treatment sit all day or all night!

I like to sleep in the Oil at least once or twice a week to help keep my hair healthy and strong. But the oil is GREAT for a few other things too:

1. Scalp health! Applying a few drops into your scalp and massaging it in and leaving it in overnight will help promote a healthy scalp which is very important when it comes to hair growth. When your scalp isn’t healthy and your follicles are clogged, your hair will have a harder time growing, Hair oil can help remove some of that build up allowing your follicles to breath!

2. Breakage & Damage: We put so much stress on our hair! Everything from heat, to coloring to pulling it tight into a bun, or even brushing it roughly. The oil helps heal your hair from the inside out helping it become stronger and shining by giving it the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive.

3. Hot oil treatment on your entire head to help promote overall health and shine. Apply a generous amount to damp hair and scalp. Then, place a warm moist towel around the head and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then shampoo and condition as you normally do! Helpful Tip: I always use a Apple cider vinegar scalp scrub for my first wash after an oil treatment as it helps cleanse your hair and scalp really well.

4. Take Rejuveniqe Oil with you to your stylist when you get your hair colored.

5. Moisturizer for your face! I apply one drop to my face or I mix it in with my moisturizer!

Some questions I get a lot about Rejuveniqe Oil and Oil Treatments are…

Won’t it come off on my sheets and pillowcase?

Nope! It absorbs into your hair and scalp and I’ve never had any issues with it transferring onto clothes or sheets.  I also use a silk pillowcase and have never had any issues!

But my hair is so oily, I don’t want to add more!

Oil is absolutely vital for healthy hair and skin! Fighting oil with oil sounds so funny but trust me that it will help balance your scalp by providing the essential oils you need! (You can now also get the Rejuveniqe Light to start!)

&& that’s a wrap! I hope that answered some of your questions about using the oil and a little more insight on why I love it and how it has helped my hair and scalp health!


Sarah Ashley