Cyber Monday Shopping Guide

I may be stuck inside from the crazy snow storm we had last night but that is the perfect excuse to update you all on the amazing Cyber Monday Sales going on today! I’ve put together a list of my favorite retailers to shop on Cyber Monday along…

Favorite Finds Black Friday/Cyber Week 2018

Shopping on Black Friday/Cyber week can be extremely overwhelming! I’ve put together for you, my top finds from this weekend’s sale from my favorite retailers.  Hope this helps you weed through all that is out there and saves you a little time so you can…

Best Black Friday 2018 Deals!

On your mark, get set, gooooo! Black Friday/Cyber Week 2018 is here! This week is pretty much the Super Bowl for bargain lovers like myself! My whole life I was an avid Black Friday shopper… studying the ADs the night before and then waking up at the crack…